Complaint against 6 patents against Apple. - Pules of technology


Saturday, 8 July 2017

Complaint against 6 patents against Apple.

Mobile phone chip maker Qualcomm has demanded to stop the sale of iPhone in the United States. At the same time, they requested the US International Trade Commission (ITC) to investigate the matter.

Qualcomm's allegation, the iPhone stole 6 patients of their competing organizations. It is known that Intel has a name in the list of competing organizations.

The conflict between Apple and Qualcomm has already been coming. Apple filed suit against Qualcomm in January. There they complained about Qualcomm's extra money and amateur cheap behavior.

Qualcomm's government vice chairman Don Rojenberg aforementioned during a statement that Apple is victimization our technology even when telling the United States of America that they're going to not pay cash for Qualcomm technology.

It is yet to be known that the model of the phone will be damaged due to the ban. However, Apple has left the Qualcomm Court to decide on which models the chips are using in other companies.

Qualcomm's share price fell 15 percent since the beginning of the year due to ongoing bilateral relations with Apple.