Signs and remedies of Chikungunya. - Pules of technology


Saturday, 8 July 2017

Signs and remedies of Chikungunya.

What is Chikungunya virus:-
Chikungunya Virus Togo Virus Virus Virus. It is also known as Arbo Virus because it is a mosquito. Dengue and Zicaria spread through the virus and the same mosquito and the symptoms of almost the same diseases are seen.
Symptoms of the disease:-
(1) Suddenly there is a faint knee joint pain with a fever. Other symptoms include:
(2) Cold feeling
(3) Cold feeling in the body (Chill)
(4) Nausea or vomiting
(5) Skin rash in skin (Muscle Pain) Muscle Pain

Usually, the disease is usually removed, but sometimes the knot pain may last for several months or even more than a few years.


This disease spreads through mosquitoes (Ades Egypt and Ades alb op ictus) and mosquitoes are easily identified with the white striped stains of body and feet.

Who is at risk:-

These mosquitoes usually grow in clear water and those around which mosquitoes have a place to grow, people are at greater risk.

How to spread:-

Initially spreading through the bites of Chikungunya virus, Edis Egypti or Edi's albuminates mosquito bites. This type of mosquito usually bites during the day (morning or evening). Also, Chikungunya virus can be transmitted to the blood transfusion of blood donor blood and ill treatment during laboratory tests.


3-7 days (but may be up to 22-2).

Resistance and control:-

There is no vaccination against this disease. Personal awareness is the main way to prevent chikungunya virus infection.

Protection from mosquito bites:-

Protection from mosquito bites is the best way to get rid of chikungunya. Covering most parts of the body (wearing flower shirt and flower pants), installing the net on the window, without needing to open the window of the door, using mosquito during sleep, mosquito resistant cream in the body and survive mosquito bites.

Special attention should be given to children, sick patients and the elderly.